This is a topic that I've had a lot of struggle with in my own life and it took years to break free from it but when I finally trusted and gave it all to God, I was able to move forward. It's called Let go of the past. Yes, I know what your probably thinking, that is such a hard thing to do. Trust me folks, I know exactly how it feels. I've been there many many times in my life and honestly, I could say that this issue was one of my main downfalls in life. It took me forever to finally let go but I knew if I didn't, I would live a life of bitterness, misery and regret. It's hard folks I know.
To be honest with you, I don't even like talking about but I know that it's something that must be taught so that others who are struggling with this issue can finally get the strength and courage to finally surrender it all at the alter of God and let Him take of it so that you can move forward in your life. In my opinion, I think that is one of satans greatest tricks on our lives is to keeping holding on and looking back of what's in the past. It could be the death of a loved one, regret, shame, guilt, insecurity, broken heart, negative things spoken over you, whatever it is, satan will use all that to torment your mind so that you'll keep looking back and not fulfill the great future that God has for you.
I was listening to a pod cast by a speaker named Terri Savelle Foy and she mentioned in her video that she had heard a story about a consultant who traveled over to 100 different cities and he kept a journal of a survey he would ask people. He asked people, "What is the number one fear in your life?" He thought he would get responses like a fear dying, fear cancer, fear of public humiliation, etc. The common response he got from so many people was that they feared that their lives would be meaningless and they would die with their potential untapped. That's pretty serious folks and quite scary at the same time.
I'm stretching buy your just out of reach but I'm ready when you're ready for Me.
Well , the way that can happen in your life is by hanging on to the past. If you do that, you will live a meaningless life and you will go to the grave with all the great things God has blessed you with and never have any of those gifts untapped. You could be going on in your life today but you are living in yesterday, where? In your mind, in your thought life and that's exactly what the devil wants you to do because if you do, he knows he's got his hooks so deep in you and you will never break free. Listen folks, just because I'm a Christian, I've been made new in Jesus Christ and am going after the calling He has for me, does mean that I got it all together.
People, I have my own issues and struggles. So just to give you a heads up, you are not alone but God promises us that He will walk with us through storm and will take care of us. In Genesis 19:17 it says this, "Escape for your life and do not look back." If you know the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, God was going to save Lot and his family from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah because sin was running so rampid in the city, it was crazy, out of control and it was breaking God's heart. So He wanted to get Lot and his family out of there because He was going to destroy the city. He told them, "I will save you from this city but the one command I give you is to keep moving forward and do not look." That was their order, to keep moving forward and to not look back at the destruction the city.
Well as they running for their lives, Lot's wife turns and looks back at the city and instantly, she was turned into a pillar of salt. In other words, she was destroyed because she looked back of what was in the past. I want you to know that you too can be destroyed by looking back. Whatever it was that God had delivered you from, if you keep going back, you will die. Joyce Meyer once said, "When we look back, we sometimes give off the impression that we care more about our past than we do our own future and that's exactly what satan wants to happen to you.
Every scar represents every sin He died for
I believe this a word for somebody out there and you need to let go. God wants to do so much more and new things in your life but you have got to let go. I want you to know that whatever you did or whatever happened to you in your past, God has forgiven you and He wants to heal you and show you what true love and forgiveness is. If you made bad choices that you're not proud of and have a lot of regret, listen God has already forgiven you. That's He came to earth, to be spit on, to be made fun of, to be beaten up for, to be scourged to death for and to die for. He did it all for you and I. If you made bad choices, did it break God's heart, yes it did but you know, He still loves you just the same and forgives and cares only about you and not the mistakes you made. He is longing for an intimate relationship with you.
He was asked, "Lord, how much do you love them?" Jesus said, "This much."
If something happened to you that broke your heart, God will take whatever the enemy meant to do harm on your life, and turn it all around for good. He promises us that He will bind up our wounds and heal our broken hearts. He will, you just have to surrender it all to God and trust that He will take care of you. Everything's going to be ok. Let Go, Let God and He will give you a future that you can't even imagine. When He was being beaten and being nailed to the cross, the only thing that was on His mind was you. He had every opportunity to stop it all and His angels in heaven had their weapons drawn ready to come to His rescue but Jesus said, "No, I love them." I t wasn't the nails who held Jesus on the cross, it was Love. He loves you that much
God Bless
Andrew Farr